[11-Oct-10][Herald Economy] Frank Sinatra is a role model for Rain. The interval of two years due to Rain's joining the army is not a grave matter.

Two Korean-Americans who have been most active in American showbiz industry, visited Korea on an invitation from the Korea Culture and Content Agency.

One of two, 'William Choi' (42) who is in charge of Rain's manager in hollywood, expressed, "We are not concerned so much about the interval of two years due to Rain's joining the army." and "'Frank Sinatra' who successfully began his career as a singer and made it even as an actor, is a role model for Rain."

'William Choi' talked about a success strategy for making Rain become in great demand in Hollywood, "It may be good for Rain to alone star in a movie like Ninja Assassin, but for now, I think it would be better for him to appear in an action film which co-stars 3~4 hollywood stars." and "Asian stars usually choose action films, which could be a main reason why there are linguistic problems. If Rain has a better command of English, he is such an attractive actor even for romantic comedies."

'William Choi' belonging to American management 'Management 360' has undertaken official engagements related to where Channing Tatum, Matthew Fox, Taylor Lautner, Rain, etc. appear in movies, after many years of experience in American entertainment industry since 1998.

credit to Herald Economy news
http://news.naver.com/main/read. ... &aid=0002133402

Brief translation by rain bird.


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